Stout Wisdom

Welcome to one of the best sources of wisdom on the web! We invite you to browse through our library of Stout Wisdom. Some are salty. Some sweet. Elegant or earthy. Poetic. Majestic. We don’t do crude or cruel. But, all are stout.

Mark Helprin, “A Soldier In The Great War”

Perhaps passing through the gates of death is like passing through the gate in a pasture fence. On the other side, you keep walking, without the need to look back. No shock, no drama, just the lifting of a plank or two in a simple wooden gate in a clearing. Neither pain, nor floods of light, nor great voices, but just the silent crossing of a meadow.

Simon Sinek

Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.

Harry Truman

I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in their time.

George Will

The EU has a flag no one salutes, an anthem no one sings, a president no one can name, a parliament whose powers subtract from those of national legislatures, a bureaucracy no one admires or controls, and rules of fiscal rectitude that no member is penalized for ignoring.

Daniel Hannan

When dealing with the finest lines in this or any other language, you should let Shakespeare do the talking. If you insist on interposing your ego, you ensure that all in the audience, wherever they sit, get an obstructed view. When you stage Shakespeare, you are fashioning a setting for the most precious of jewels. The work demands all your artifice. The goldsmith’s craft may be creative, original, dazzling — but it must be deployed in the service of enhancing the gem, not smothering it.

Pope Francis

When media and the digital world become omnipresent, their influence can stop people from learning how to live wisely, to think deeply and to love generously.

Mary Oliver

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Kirsten Powers

…you don’t need a grand plan. Just take the next step, do the unglamorous tasks enthusiastically and expect the unexpected.

Archbishop Charles Chaput

The biggest problem we face as a culture…is that we use words like justice, rights, freedom and dignity without any commonly shared meaning. . . . Our most important debates boil out to who can deploy the best words in the best way to get power.

Charles Krauthammer

We often wonder how people of the past, including the most revered and refined, could have universally engaged in conduct now considered unconscionable. Such as slavery. How could the Founders, so sublimely devoted to human liberty, have lived with — some participating in — human slavery? …While retrospective judgment tends to make us feel superior to our ancestors, it should really evoke humility. Surely some contemporary practices will be deemed equally abominable by succeeding generations. The only question is: Which ones?

Glenn Reynolds

I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.

Ann Voskamp

When someone isn’t willing or ready for spiritual oneness, emotional oneness, legal oneness, financial oneness — why let them steal physical and soul oneness from you?

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